2017. June CFP Papua New Guinea 1

School forest developed by children brings fresh wind
School forest developed by children brings fresh wind


Fostering awareness for working for FURUSATO



   The school is located in the rural area which is recognized by the government as part of the conservation area. For this reason, illegal logging is strictly controlled and the conservation of forests is strongly promoted. School children are also very interested in protecting trees, and it is recognized by the government as a school actively involved in environmental activities. In 2016, they planted teak and germelina, and held an environmental workshop to tell the children about what sort of impact tree planting would give to global environment and also thought together on what they would be able to do for the environment.

Altogether tackling tree planting activity
Altogether tackling tree planting activity

   Mr. Clement Kulavi, the school principal, commented on the outcome of the activities: “we are really happy to note that through the practical environmental education which is not available at school, the children can learn about and care for the environment. The local community people are also pointing out that the awareness and behavior of the children changed as they are working hard to take care of trees.”

  In the future, they would like to put effort on fostering awareness and environmental conservation so as to bring up children who would be able to act for the protection of their own FURUSATO. 

Warangoi Primary School

  • Starting Year of CFP:    1996      
  • Number of Students:    840
  • Location:                       P.O. Box 922, Kokopo, East New Britain Province, PNG

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