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This school is small with only 36 pupils. Previously it was located in a village close to the major river. But due to floods and landslides, the villagers had to evacuate from their former
residences and moved to the present location. The school also moved from the river side, and was rebuilt in 2016 with the help of OISCA members and other Japanese donors.
Initially, the villagers did not realize the significance of CFP, but through tree planting activities carried out together with Japanese people and environmental seminars, their interest in trees and nature has been promoted a little by little. Village Leader Daw Nu Yi expressed her earnest desire: “Through CFP, not only children but also adults can learn many things. Earlier, Za Ya Ma was a community located on the river coast. Because of landslides, we moved to the present place. But it is an arid area, and we don’t have good soil. I hope that CFP will properly educate the children, and they will make a difference in their home community in the future.” Although there are problems of arid climate and poor soil quality, they intend to maintain the planted seedlings with care and continue planting trees aiming for green environment.