Just joined CFP!
This school is located in the mountainous area in the Viti Levu Island. It joined CFP in 2016. In the first activity, they planted local tree species. Through these practical activities, they are hoping that children would come to know the rich nature of their FURUSATO and would be able to take an action for the conservation of the disappearing local tree species.
Previously, they planted only root crops such as taro and cassava, and did not have any idea or skills on vegetable farming. Since it is a boarding school, the school started teaching organic farming utilizing a small school farm in order to improve dietary habits of the school children and also transmit knowledge and skills in health-oriented agriculture.
The students who participated in the activity commented that they got new ideas to practice organic farming which is simple and can be done at home.
In 2017, they intend to plant more trees for lessening erosion at school boundary and also to enlarge their garden to cater for school meals.