What is the current situation in of your region?
We are not satisfied with the current environmental situation. However we are trying our level best to protect our environment with the active participation of Children.
.From the CFP activities, students got aware of environmental protection. Regarding livelihood and education of the society are in good condition.
What motivated the school to start CFP?
Unscientific exploitation of natural resources.
How is this school like?
School is at Wayanad, a hilly area with moderate climate. Situated on Bathery-Ootty road, near DIET and opposite to Govt. Guest House. On road side with a plain terrain about 2HA land and a 3floor school Building.
What was the first CFP activity at this school?
Inauguration of OISCA LOVE GREEN CLUB by token tree planting
Segregation of waste at source and preparation of manure with organic waste for tree planting and making the campus plastic free
The comments from a student for these activities
Nakshathra Shajan, 14 Years. “ Very interesting activity”, we were supposed to do it earlier.
The comments from this school teachers or community people
“A model project, all children have to participate”
What are the activity plans for this school ?
Survey or studies on the existing trees and in the campus to prepare a “Bio-Diversity Register” is the next plan. Plant more trees year by year is the long term plan.
<School address>Ootty road, Sulthan Bathery.
<Year and month CFP Started>June 2015
<Name> Ms. Mareena Joy
<School Name>
St. Joseph English school, S.bathery
<Grade/Year> 7th class <Age> 12
<Most favorite CFP activity>
Growing of vegetables garden in our school. Because out side vegitables are carrying excessive amount of pesticides, or chemical fertilizers which are highly harmful to human beings.
<Activity plan >
Want to create an Eco- friendly atmosphere. Proper disposal of domestic waste and use waste water for irrigation
<Dream for the future>
Pollution free nature. Oraganic vegitbles and Safe Drinking Water