One primary school in Fiji, chicken rearing and organic farming project has launched since 2010 along with tree-planting activity. The school is located deep in the mountains and becomes isolated by the flood when it rains heavy. Therefore they have to be self-sufficient for their food. However since Fijian is originally a hunting race, so rearing vegetable or livestock is very challenging for them.
In 2011, Waiyara School started chicken rearing and organic farming project in conjunction with tree-planting & growing activity has started since 1999. The school is also in the mountains. The project was started in response to requests from the school teachers. They wished their children to learn cyclical farming and live in harmony with nature through learning how to rear chicken or vegetables and make compost from poultry manure.
A poultry house was built in their school premise and children are learning how to rear chicken very hard. Now they are very much motivated to start organic faming using poultry manure next year.
●Start year:1999 ●No. of Children:102 ●Location:Saweni village, Nadra Navosa